Daily email Number 423 – from the Vicar

Our reading from the Bible today is Psalm 36.Here is a prayer for God’s unfailing protection, as Daivd the Psalmist reflects on the godlessness of the wicked and the goodness of God, it is a Psalm of great contrasts.
So firstly the godlessness of the wicked (vs.1-4).  David receives an oracle, which is probably some sort of special revelation from the Lord, a fresh and divine insight or understanding into those who are opposed to God.Note that they have no fear of God (v.1), they flatter themselves with the smug conceited idea that they are accountable to no-one (v.2), it affects both their words and actions (v.3), and even at night they are plotting evil (v.4).  It is quite a comprehensive and chilling description.
In contrast, the description of the Lord and His love is comprehensively uplifting, it goes from the skies to the great deep (vs.5-6), it covers both man and beast, it covers both the high and the low amongst men, and there is loads for everyone (v.8)!Whenever I read these verses I am always reminded of a 1980’s chorus which we sung at our wedding as part of a time of praise and worship, How precious O Lord – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLXc53ePlno. It was a favourite of our church at the time.
And then the Psalm ends with the actual prayer for the Lord’s continued love and protection (vs.10-12).  May indeed His goodness and light continue to overcome the sin and darkness in our lives and that which is around us.

In our cycle of prayer let us remember in our prayers today,- Andrew- George and Pat

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